影视评论 (发表你的态度!)
一般吧,太无聊了。 首先这个题材在当下其实是热门且切合社会议题的,物化女性和对女性相貌、身材标准的不正确认识(或者说本不应该有这种标准)。角度也并不平庸,在描绘女权组织的同时没有忘记展现选美小姐的故事,还有社会其他女性角度。 但是导演对电影的把握确实不太行,角色太多,本应当是个不错的群戏,但是大多角色都没有得到太多表现的机会。剧情上一笔带过了很多情节,没有高光时刻,最后的高潮也并不令人激动,主要原因是前面没有什么铺垫,人物关系建立得很潦草。编剧塞入了太多政治主题,种族歧视和性别歧视,还有非洲政治,但是很多地方都点到即止了,没有触碰更深层次的意识形态冲突,也可能是因为篇幅太短。最后女主和选美冠军的偶遇应该是这部里最有意义的场景了,随后就是这些女性数年后的镜头跟历史资料。
2024-11-22 11:16
依旧是招牌式Linslater的话痨,关于宇宙时间生命和梦境,看到存在主义那段就决定满分了。If you say yes to one instant, then you say yes to all existence; Have you ever wondered that whether you are a dying old woman lying in her deathbed, hence everything around is your stay; What we did not take into account when we were young was our endless curiosity; I am afraid of losing the virtues of living life passionately, the sense of taking responsibility for who you are, the ability to make something of yourself and feel good about life. Existentialism is often discussed as if it is a philosophy of despair, but I think the truth is just the opposite _ It is always our decision who we are.
2024-11-22 09:36